Friday, May 8, 2009

Progress on the Downstairs Bathroom

I went to NH on Thursday to work on the house and spend time with Daniel (Because of his softball games and Mother's day we wont be spending the weekend together). I got some painting done on Thursday and then today we got a lot done on the Bathroom. We framed in the shower for the bathroom. That was a big accomplishment. I can almost envision what it's going to look like. I'm so excited. I forgot to take pictures of the work in progress, so I asked Daniel to pretend to be working or hammering something in. He wasn't cooperating very well. :-)

1 comment:

Jerid, Michelle, Makenna, Michael and Molly said...

Wow, I love the purple trim. I hope you keep that. Is that a new hammer I am seeing in the picture? We always give the guys on our crew a hard time when they have a new hammer.
Love ya guys,